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Taxidermy Tiger Cub MET Police London, , , Authentic Tiger Bone Wine, , , , , ,

Save wild tigers – help stop tiger poaching




"Tigers in the wild are killed illegally to fuel the demand for Tiger products such as Tiger skins andTiger Bone Wine. Demand for tiger skins, parts & derivatives drive an increasingly sophisticated network of illegal wildlife trade across all tiger range countries. As a result, demand is driving wild tigers to the brink of extinction, with 97% of the world’s wild tiger population wiped out over the last century.

If we fail to act to save the world’s most iconic species, what hope is there for all the other endangered animals? The Tiger is making a last stand not just for its own survival but also for those other species that will inevitably follow if we do not succeed. With only 5,000 tigers left in the wild, it’s now time to put wild tigers back at the top of the agenda to ensure survival.

This high impact film is the first step in Save Wild Tigers’ global campaign to raise awareness and reduce demand for illegal tiger products. Stop the demand, stop the poaching.

We have as little as a decade to double tiger numbers or risk extinction in the wild. The choice is ours – together we can save the tiger in the wild. The clock is ticking and ticking fast. Join us today in making the right decision. The decision for survival is yours..."

- Simon Clinton - Founder SWT


Special thanks to JOY Creative Agency and EXIT Films for their incredible work in producing this film.

Thank you to Ninety Percent for their continued support. 


Why are endangered tigers killed for their skins & parts?

As is the case with rhino horn and elephant ivory, tiger skins and other parts are considered luxury and prestigious items in many cultures, and therefore command a huge price, both legally in countries such as China, and illegally on the black market around the world. In order to satisfy the demand for these products, endangered animals including tigers, elephants, rhinos, and bears are being slaughtered for their parts.

Tigers are killed for these products by one of two methods: they either fall victim to illegal tiger poaching in the wild or are bred on tiger farms in China and killed in captivity to satisfy demand within domestic markets. Traditionally, products from wild tigers are seen to be more authentic and potent, and as such command a higher price. Therefore, products from captive bred tigers will never satisfy the demand for those from wild tigers, and the illegal tiger trade continues to be a lucrative industry.



Some examples of tiger products and their uses include:

The demand for wild tiger skins, bones, parts, and derivatives makes illegal poaching & wildlife crime, without a doubt, the biggest and most concerning threat that the world’s remaining wild tigers face.



To put an end to the illegal poaching of wild tigers, we need to work towards reducing demand fortiger skins, bones, parts & derivatives.

Demand reduction is about wider public awareness, consumer behaviour change, reform in policies, and strengthened law enforcement. While there have been great strides in diverse demand reduction campaigns for elephant ivory and rhino horn, an equivalent emphasis and level of investment in campaigns to reduce demand for tiger parts and products is urgently needed. With only 5,000 tigers left in the wild, time is running out to save the wild tiger – action is needed today.

With your help, Save Wild Tigers will liaise & work with a diverse group of stakeholders, including EIA and other tiger conservation organisations, to develop a strategy to augment existing demand reduction efforts.



It’s our responsibility to act now, to raise awareness about the plight of the wild tiger. Together we can reduce demand for tiger skins, parts, and derivatives. There’s still time to save the world’s wild tigers. Here are some simple things YOU can do to help:

  • DONATE – Any amount, however small, will help us develop & run mass awareness campaigns and help support campaigns in key Tiger countries. Click here to donate.
  • SHARE - Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, SHARE & TWEET THE VIDEO and spread the word to friends, family and work colleagues – WE NEED YOU ALL!
  • SPEAK OUT - Help us register just how much the public cares about this issue by responding to the question below.